Popcorn For Peace
Popcorn for Peace is a love story.
Jennifer, the Founder of Narrative Food, has a long history of popcorn in her family – in the early 1900’s her great grandfather Moses Finkelstein built a large chain of movie theaters spanning the great Midwest — but really, the movie theaters were just an excuse to sell popcorn. Her grandfather and father followed in Moses’ footsteps: three generations of popcorn sellers, and with this bag of popcorn, Jennifer becomes the fourth. Meanwhile, Beau comes from a family with a long tradition of selling spices. In 2019 he inherited Buck’s Spices, his mother’s 50 year spice shop in Olympia, WA, and with it, came the family recipe for a special smoked salt blend.
When Jennifer met Beau, he became the spice of her life, and she became his main dish. One romantic evening, they tried something new and daring: they sprinkled his smoked salt blend on her popcorn, and that was it, they knew they had a match made in heaven.
1 lb organic or regenerative organic popcorn & 1 glass test tube filled with 1 oz of Umami Popcorn Topping (inside the bag).
Ingredients: Organic Popcorn & Topping (inside the bag): Alderwood smoked salt, applewood smoked salt, sweet smoked paprika, smoked hot paprika, yellow mustard, brown sugar, coconut sugar, garlic and onion powder.